We are usually doing lab reports when we did a experiment. These lab reports were including: introduction of our experiments,saying what I have learned. Then is the Objective, it is about what I think we are doing this experiment. Then it's the materials, what I materials I used during the experiment and why are they needed. After that is the procedure. I will write down how I did the experiment use bulled points, and I usually add photos to it cause they can show how I set up and what happened during the experiment. Finally, it's the conclusion/result. I will talk about what happened and is the result the same with what I was thinking at the beginning. Experiments are fun, and I am really enjoy doing them and writing lab reports.
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    - Candy Lu
    - Year 8
    - YCIS-Secondary-HK
    - Drawing
    - Listening to music
    Favourite subjects:
    - Art
    - Chinese
    - Science
    - DT


    February 2012

